A new collective tribute to our hometown. A collection of single photos and projects/portfolios portraying the ever-changing Trieste: a city of art and sea, rich in history, culture, food and wine excellence, a bridge with the East and the very heart of Central Europe. A city with a glorious past, but projected to the future.
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Photos: Alba Basezzi, Alessandro Ledda, Alessandro Pellican, Alessandro Sarti, Alessia Arban, Alessia Peretti, Andrea Scirè, Antonino Clemenza, Asya Gefter, Dario Reggente, Eleonora Donadini, Ester Pertegato, Fabiana Chiarelli, Francesca Maddaloni, Francesco Cremonese, Francesco Finotto, Gabriele Boglich, Giacomo Festa, Giancarlo Rupolo, Giorgia Melegari, Giulia Cargnelli, Giulia Livia, Giulio Bonivento, Gloria Bergagnini, Graziano Perotti, Ivano De Simon, Laura Pierangeli, Lorenzo Feurra, Luca Zimolo, Luciana Passaro, Marco Biancardi, Maria Kremneva, Marisa Paoli, Mattia Pasini, Michele Forni, Never Edit, Paola Bet, Roberto Furlan, Romina Tancredi, Selina Bressan, Simonetta Rossetti, Tania Giorgi
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